

“It takes a community to educate a child,” thus, teachers and the community worked collaboratively for the total development of every learner enrolled in the school.


Brigada Eskwela 2020 has started last June 1,2020 and teachers from F. Serrano Elementary School – Don Bosco watched the First National Virtual Kick-Off Program last June 1,2020. This year the Brigada Eskwela enjoined the activitity with the Oplan Balik Eskwela 2020. Activities for Brigada Eskwela are simultaneously done with OBE.


The Brigada Steering Committees are continuously doing their effort to reach-out our partners and other stakeholders through online solicitation and other social media platforms to encourage private individuals to support our advocacy especially that we are now in the new normal situation brought by this pandemic. To date, there are still private individuals who pledged some donations for the school to support specifically in preventing COVID 19 infection. They pledged to donate health-related  item for our frontliners.


          Our teachers also attended Mental Health and Psychosocial Support seminar conducted by the Philippine National Red Cross- Paranaque Branch during our In-Service Training seminar held last June 11,2020. It was indeed a great help for us teachers widening our perspectives in times of crisis as well as gaining important insights on how to handle as well as helping parents and pupils who are affected by the COVID 19 pandemic.


          School-Based Stakeholders Convergence was done and it was attended by some of our stakeholders, parents, teachers and pupils through virtual conference. The school-based stakeholders convergence was attended also by  our supportive Barangay Chairman, the Honarable Concepcion S. Navarro.


One of our major stakeholders, Amalgamated Development Corporation through the initiative of the its Board Member, Ms. Gina Boncan-Francisco supported our gadget donation drive which is “Gadyet na Handog Mo, Gabay sa Kinabukasan Ko,” and donated 36 tablets to our learners who don’t have any gadgets use to cope up the new normal. The company also donated some face shields for the parents who will come during the distribution of these tablets for our chosen beneficiaries.


          Another supportive partner in helping of our learners is the Quota International Manila South (QIMS) headed by Ms. Sarah Charito Scheyer also donated 4 tablets for our chosen beneficiaries. There were also private individuals who donated 3 more tablets for our less fortunate learners. The school received a total of 43 tablets for our selected beneficiaries for the school year 2020-2021.


          The year round activities for BRIGADA ESKWELA 2020 continuously done so that donor could extend their support to our school especially to our learners in coping the new normal.


It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable Englfish. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Oplan DBES (Delivering Best Education through Synergy)

This report highlights the accomplishments achieved by the project Oplan DBES  (Delivering Best Education through Synergy). This project is related to School-based  management (SBM) where in artifacts and data are needed to be collected for its operation.  

This project began with a School-based management (SBM) Virtual Re-orientation where in  school head, master teacher and teachers were gathered to be informed and be oriented on how the  project will flow. This was accomplished by a 100% attendance of all participants involved.  Following the virtual re-orientation was the creation of management teams for each School-based  management (SBM) level. It was headed by the teachers assigned by the school head to monitor the  evidence and artifacts needed for the establishment of School-based management (SBM) which  was: 

  1. FERDINAND D. PAGADUAN -Team Leader 
  2. KRISTINE A. OREJAS -Scribe/Process Observer 
  3. PEACHY E. HILAPO -Documentation 
  4. JESSICA CLORES -Communication 

After the formation of the management teams, the School-based management (SBM) corner  was established where the collected evidence and artifacts will be stored. On the other hand, this  project is still in the process of collecting evidence and artifacts for the School-based management (SBM). 


During the school year 2020-2021, Project S.M.A.R.T (Support a Mind through Advanced Reading Techniques) was continued to lessen the number of non-readers who were enrolled in this school year.

The following are the participants for this project:



Carl Malone Alcantara


Joel Jr. M. Concerman


Mark Anthony Sta. Maria


Jessica Rosales

6-De Guzman

Jaypee R. Taruc

6-De Guzman

John Wyne Biando

6-De Guzman

Justine O. Gomez


Raymond B. Abejo


  1. Shaniah Faith E. Escaret


Total: 9


The following are the activities already achieved by this project:

  1. Informed the advisers and parents of the learners about the objectives of this project
  2. Visited some learners at home to track their reading performance through the help of concerned advisers and LSAs
  3. Other participants who cannot respond online were advised to visit the school during the consultation clinic
  4. Created fb group chat for the participants and their parents
  5. Provided learning materials and videos to support learning at ho


This School Year 2020-2021. The OPLAN FITAS (Facilities Improvement Through Active Synergy) was continued to improve and monitor the current condition of the school physical facilities amidst pandemic. We had three checklists to monitor three times a week these are Comfort Room Checklist, Assigned NTP for School Facilities Checklist and the classroom checklist. We had also a plotted schedule for teachers to come back to school to clean assigned rooms during the schedule of their consultation clinic. The Non-teaching personnel (NTP) must be able to maintain their assigned school facilities, corridors and comfort rooms that will be checked by the physical facility coordinator based on their skeletal schedule. The Assigned NTP for School Facility Checklist will be used accordingly and evaluated. The result of the checklist will be consolidated and validated by the focal team.


“The essence of Mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated  things simple.” —S. Gudder 

Project PLUM (Pushing Learner to Understand Mathematics) aimed to decrease the number of  students with non-numerate level from the total number of enrolled students for School Year 2020-2021.  Despite the pandemic crises, Team PLUM conducted a Pre-Assessment in Mathematics. This was to measure  the prior knowledge of the students in Mathematics based on their grade level. 

In connection with this, we used a test paper adapted from the Division Office Achievement Test,  but we edited some parts. Last February 2021 distributed a test paper to the parents observing the health  protocols given by the Department of Health. We gave ample time to students to answer the test  papers. After two weeks were retrieval of answer sheets. Then, we did item analysis and identified five  (5) least mastered skills. Next, we identify students who need to undergo remedial work. Lastly, our team  drafted an activity sheet. Based on the results 53 pupils got 74% and below out of 439 took the test. We  constructed simple activities for them to understand more from easy, average to difficult levels. These  activity sheets were validated by our Math Coordinator Melvin Pendon and Master teacher Ferdinand D.  Pagaduan. And it was approved by our OIC Principal Desiree B. Arriola and ready for photocopy and  distributions as to the number of students per grade level. 


Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation  without a good reason.  

The project REDEEMERS aims to lessen the number of habitual  absenteeism from 33 to 0 by 2022 of FSES-Don Bosco pupils during this New  Normal Education. This project launched four activities in order to decrease the  habitual absenteeism of our learners. First, the Bahay-Aralan, this activity  helped motivate the pupils to answers their modules even they were at home and this activity was already posted in our FB page. Second, “Sipag at Tiyaga  Ko, Pag-unlad”, in this activity, the teacher advisers conducted virtual  recognition to their pupils to inspire and encourage their learners to answer  their modules on time. Third, “Parents Ko, Mentor Ko”, this activity we built  trust to our parents to teach their child, developed family bonding and learner’s  self-confidence. Lastly, Home visitation, we home visit our learners especially  those learners at risk in order to cope up their modules and addressed the  problems if why did not passed their modules.


Gulayan sa Tahanan Narrative Report


The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Learner Support Services- School Health Division (BLSS-SHD), sustains the Implementation of the Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP) in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Nationwide to address malnutrition and promote vegetable production and consumption among school children. DepEd Memorandum (DM) No. 293, s. 2007 was issued to encourage both public elementary and secondary schools to establish school gardens to ensure continuous supply of vegetables for school feeding specifically School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP).


Yet, Gulayan sa Paaralan cannot be hindered by the pandemic we had experienced nowadays. In connection to this, we had launched the anchored program of GPP named Gulayan sa Tahanan, last January 2021, wherein pupils will be able to experience planting vegetables using any recycled materials. This program provides opportunity to promote and enhance vegetable production at home, increase knowledge, skills and appreciation among the learners on the importance of home gardening thus, also transfer the pupil’s learning from school to home. This, helps educate the parents as well on how to improve the nutritional status of their children.


This coming May 21, 2021 there will be an awarding to acknowledge the exerted effort of both learners and parents and the teachers as well.